Monday, May 31, 2010

Day and Night

I have noticed a pattern in my mind process. When I first wake up in the morning I usually have a very strong mindset on things. Second guessing myself and anxiety almost always occurs at night.

Is it the lack of distractions that cause this at night? I'm not sure exactly. Usually my mornings are more simplistic than my evenings. Is it the idea of starting a brand new day that blocks the anxiety with hope? I always hear about people tossing and turning in their sleep, never in the morning.

If you are like me and have this cycle of optimistic mornings and pessimistic evenings then I have a few remedies for you.

1. Do what you do in the morning at night. Switch up your routine. If you always go to bed watching tv, read a book instead. Change is always good.

2. If you are thinking of moving somewhere but keep second guessing it, try watching video of your dream place. When I second guess going to New Zealand I often go on youtube or vimeo and search out inspiring clips of it. It immediately makes me feel better.

3. Hang out with other people who support you. Anyone who is bringing you down is not your friend...simple as that.

4. Change your soundtrack. I love depressing music but it can quickly take me to a dark place. If I find myself going to the dark side I have a few albums that can get me out quick. If you have a more optimistic soundtrack in your life, your life will be more optimistic.

5. Just do it. In the case of traveling or anything really...just do it. We often find ourselves in this state of hesitation and it really has no purpose. Back when I was in that job I wasn't sure about asking time off and going to Australia. I spent a few weeks going back in forth until I finally just did it. I bought the plane ticket and pissed off my boss but whatever. It felt great to take a step further.

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