Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Less than 2 weeks away...

This trip came together at the last minute and suddenly I'm leaving in less than 2 weeks.  The first leg of the trip will be on the west coast of America.  Peter and Ryan have already left and will meet me in Seattle on October 2nd.  From there we will head to Vancouver, CA and explore that area.  Things feel right when you are exploring uncharted territory (uncharted for yourself).  It must have been a whole new level of excitement for explorers back when they didn't know what the world even looked like.

Anyway, after Vancouver we will head down to Portland for a day or two.  We will spend a lot of time at Rogue Alehouse and Voodoo doughnut I'm sure.  After Portland we travel to Crater Lake to camp and then to Redwood National Forest.  Next on the list will be San Francisco, where Taquerias are a must.  After a drive down the PCH, we finish in LA.  I fly back for sisters wedding and a week later I'll be in LA boarding a flight for Australia.  After a few weeks in Australia, I will make my way to New Zealand and meet Peter in Auckland.  From there it's roaming aimlessly time.

We all need something to look forward to.  This is mine.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


It's been a long time coming but today it went down. I purchased my ticket to New Zealand. Actually, I'm arriving in Melbourne, Australia and from there will loiter that country for a few weeks. I went to Melbourne, Sydney and Gold Coast last November/December and loved it. What I'm eying is Cairns or Tasmania for this stint. From there I will catch a flight to Auckland, New Zealand where I will meet Peter and continue on this wild ride.

What can I say about this experience? It's been so draining. I feel like I've climbed a mountain with this decision. So many negative forces telling me not to go and instead be practical and give up on dreams. At times I believed them and others I was angry. Just because you're afraid doesn't mean you have to fill my world with black clouds. "Life is a state of mind." I love this. It's on Peter Seller's grave and was featured in his masterpiece "Being There". I believe this saying even more now.

Never give up on your dreams. Never let naysayers alter your vision. It won't be easy..because if it was then everybody would be doing it.